At NXTGen we think differently about quality. Our aim is to make quality relevant and accessible to all. Whether you want to improve your knowledge, need support meeting the requirements of the various certification standards like ISO 9001:2015 and ISO14001:2015 or simply want to make your business better, we can help. For more information see below or contact us by selecting "Get in Touch" below.
We offer a range of public and in-house training solutions for both quality and non-quality professionals. Whether you're keen to improve your own or your colleagues understanding of the role of quality in a modern organisation we can help. Our passion for making the subject relevant and accessible to todays business environment is evident in the design and delivery of our courses.

If you're looking for practical advice and support to ensure your management system is able to meet the requirements of the various certification standards like ISO 9001:2015 and ISO14001:2015, then we can help. Our expertise helped the first organisation in the Nuclear Sector to achieve ISO 9001:2015 transition with their 3rd Party Certification body LRQA. Our approach isn't to come in and change how you manage your business, instead we work with you to reveal the system of management already in place, then we demonstrate how that meets the requirements of these standards.